Project 10 - Portraits Prework

Fine Art Portraits

A fine art portrait is not taken for commercial value, but to capture a certain mood or tone. It reflects the ideas and views of the individual art director rather than a corporation or company. A fine art portrait often tells a story of some kind, depending on the photographer's vision.

Nirav Patel

I like the unique lighting used in the photo to capture a specific mood. The composition also adds to the mood of the piece. Both the lighting and the dust obscuring the subject body help the viewer to see a rustic image. 

colourful and emotional portrait
David Uzochukwu

I like the bright background and the overall color. I like how it dives a bit into the surreal with the waterfalls of tears. I think that the artist is trying to convey a sense of sadness contrasted by an exterior of joy.

Commercial Portraits

A commercial portrait is trying to sell the viewer on something. They make someone want to buy a product instead of convey a message. These portraits usually reflect the views of the corporation that they were for. It almost always reflects the style of the magazine or product that it is trying to sell.

Tim Hawley

This is trying to sell a scuba mask from a company called Tusa. I like how the product is glowing with an unnatural light. It is trying to show how amazing this particular scuba mask by using an attractive model wearing it and a glow to highlight every part of it.

Nadav Kander

I like how the lighting gives off the sense that there's some mystery around this character. It reflects the mood of the actual show that it is meant to promote. This is a promotional image for the show Mr. Robot of one of the lead actors.

Fine Art vs. Commercial Portraits

Nadav Kander (fine art)

Nadav Kander (commercial)

Both of these pieces use lighting in a unique way. However, the fine art portrait fits his style more than that of the commercial portrait. It also captures the mood of the subject and the overall photo in a way that isn't meant to sell something. The bottom fits the mood of the company it was shot for.


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